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MS5: Meg & Nate Chat about How Burnout Affected Their Relationship Episode 5

MS5: Meg & Nate Chat about How Burnout Affected Their Relationship

Meg invites her fiancé onto the show to have an honest conversation about how her burnout affected not just her, but him & their relationship, as well.

· 49:38

Whew. This one is fun. For this episode, I invited my patient and thoughtful fiancé, Nate, onto the show. In it, we talk about how my burnout affected him & his relationship with me, we talk about the vital importance of communicating needs & expectations with each other as a way of mitigating the effects of burnout and pushing forward into the unknown, and he offers some sage advice to past me (which hopefully future me is able to hear).

To apply to be a guest on this show, please fill out this Interviewee Interest form and let me know what you'd like to add to the conversation!

To get individualized help finding your way out of burnout, schedule a 1-1 burnout coaching session with Meg on Calendly.

Music: DriftMaster by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com
IG: @mentalstatuspod
Website: mentalstatus.transistor.fm
Talk to me: mentalstatuspod [at] gmail.com

Disclaimer, y'all: This is a podcast meant for education and entertainment purposes only. I'm not your therapist. This podcast doesn't replace therapy or clinical supervision and isn't supposed to replace those things. If you need a therapist or supervisor, please find one. My opinions are my own and don't reflect the opinion(s) of my past/present/future employers.


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