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MS16: Emily Hill, LMSW Wants You to be Ruthless with Systems, but Kind with People Episode 16

MS16: Emily Hill, LMSW Wants You to be Ruthless with Systems, but Kind with People

In this episode, Meg and Emily chat about how people aren't broken, but that systems are broken.

· 01:16:21

About Today's Show:
In this episode, Meg and Emily Hill, LMSW chat about the inevitability of burnout in the current systems that surround us, as well as Emily's thoughts around ruthlessly taking down systems while practicing kindness toward the people caught within them. Emily explores how she experienced burnout working in CMH due to feeling unseen and unheard while being under-resourced within sexist and racist systems. Emily explores how her identities have influenced and impacted her burnout & the work she does with clients, and chats about her hopes of deconstructing harmful systems in order to build systems that are justice & liberation focused for all.

About Today's Guest:
Emily Hill (she/they) is a therapist, clinical supervisor and educator. Currently, Emily owns her own private therapy practice, where she uses justice and liberation-oriented approaches to help clients on their paths of healing. Emily has previously worked in a variety of other settings, such as community mental health, health education, research, and medical social work. Emily believes in being ruthless with systems but kind with people; they believe that conversations around burnout and self-care extend far beyond the individual level and must include discussions about how the systems around us facilitate burnout and inhibit truly meaningful self-care.

From Emily: "I am speaking about my own specific experiences. Although some generalized statements and viewpoints are expressed, the greater BIPOC community is absolutely not a monolith, and I do not speak on the behalf of anyone else who may identify as BIPOC. My opinions are solely my own and don’t reflect the opinion(s) of my previous, present, and/or future employers. I am a therapist and clinical supervisor, but I’m probably not your therapist or supervisor. The information shared here is for educational purposes only, and is not tailored specifically to anyone. If you need a therapist or supervisor, please seek one out."

Find Emily on Instagram @deconstructfeelings

Credits, links & other things:

Disclaimer, y'all: This is a podcast meant for education and entertainment purposes only. I'm not your therapist. This podcast doesn't replace therapy or clinical supervision and isn't supposed to replace those things. If you need a therapist or supervisor, please find one. My opinions are my own and don't reflect the opinion(s) of my past/present/future employers.


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